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Dark Knight of the Skye Page 2

  Tears started pouring down her face and everyone in the place was silently waiting for her response.

  “Tis nae that hard o a question, an Ah nae be that hot in this uniform.”

  “You silly-ass dork, of course I’ll be your Hen,” she said and all but jumped the counter.

  The people in the café stood and cheered as the two held each other. Danny turned and yelled a “Hoot’s!” to the crowd, followed by “The brews on me tab!” and bought everyone a round of tea. He then handed her the tickets and asked if she would come to Scotland to meet his family. Once again, she jumped into his arms and started kissing him all over the face.

  “Why are you so good to me?” she asked.

  “Cause, yer me glen tae me lock, and Ah dare nae breathe withoot ye.”

  “Take the rest of the day off, D`nae,” her boss called out.

  “Nae, she nae be cumin back at all. She’ll be marrit tae me noo,” Danny called back.

  “Danny, I have to work babe, I have bills.”

  “Yer always arguin aboot this, an Ah let it be. Me Mither ne’er worked, an me family are far mair than just crofters. We own a large glen, an huaf be mine. There be nae need fur ye tae worry.”

  “He has a point, D`nae, you have been living together for the past six months,” the other waitress said.

  “I know Krissy, but I just can’t leave y’all hangin’ like this.”

  “Sure you can, this is every girl’s dream. Plus, I can handle the front for a few days. It won’t take long, we’re always getting applications,” Krissy replied with tears glistening in her eyes.

  “Sae let’s gae hame an change yer claes, Ah hae a surprise fur ye,” Danny quickly added.

  “All right, y’all win, but what on earth could you possibly come up with that would top what you’ve already done?” D`nae said giving him another big kiss.

  “Ne’er ye mine,” Danny replied with a wink.

  “Ne’er ye mind, ne’er ye mind,” she mocked as she spun around to hug Krissy. “I’ll come by tomorrow and turn in my stuff.”

  “I’m really gonna to miss working with the craziest bitch in Texas,” Krissy added and almost started crying.

  “If you start that shit, you’re going make me,” D`nae added. “Besides you still have Bob. Later Bob!” she called out, waving back to him, turning so she and Krissy could laugh at their own personal joke.

  She gave one last goodbye to her co-workers and the customers that she knew, then left with Danny at her side. Two hours later, D`nae was dressed to kill, and Danny was in his usual mode of speechlessness.

  “You like it, don’t you?” she asked and watched, smiling as he nodded. “You want me, don’t you?” Then she pulled the top strap of her black dress down to flash her nude breast.

  “Noo that’s just nae far,” he said getting up from the couch. “We’re gaun tae miss oor reservation.”

  She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, whispering in his ear, “Later then.” She turned around, wiggling her butt at him and doing a bit of her pin-up look by putting her finger against her mouth while looking back at him, before picking up her handbag.


  “Can ye hear me hert pun in me chest, Hen? Me frien is puppin a tent in me pants, t’will tak mair than hauf an hour tae calm `em doon,” he said following her to the door.

  “And that, my dear boy, is why I’m so good.” The two laughed, giggling all the way to the truck.

  Once they were seated and had their dinner served, Danny asked the waitress to bring out a special dish that he had them fix up for the occasion. He had D`nae give it a try and tell him what she thought.

  “What’s it called?”

  “Haggis,” he replied.

  “And you’re sure it’s good?” she asked, peering down at the dish in doubt.

  “Me Mither’s been makin it aw me life.”

  She gave him a not-so-sure look, then dipped her spoon in and tasted the substance before her. “Tastes like oatmeal and something I can’t figure out, but it’s real good.”

  “Offal be what yer tastin.”

  “Babe, it’s not that bad.”

  “Nae luv,” he said, barely able to contain his laughter. “Offal be minced meat.”

  She almost choked on what she had in her mouth, and when she could, she started laughing, taking another bite. A few seconds later, she grabbed her napkin and spit out the contents in her mouth. Danny just sat there smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  “Does minced meat have bones in it?” she asked. He didn’t say a word, just kept on smiling. “What?” she added and looked down in the napkin that she still held, and what she saw made her mouth drop open and tears start cascading down her cheeks once again. It was a beautiful diamond ring, covered in haggis. She popped it back into her mouth until she had it clean, then took it out to inspect it.

  “Oh Danny, I love it! You shouldn’t have,” she said, already sliding the ring onto her finger.

  “It we’re me grand’s, me faither gave it tae me mither the very same way. Tis very auld.”

  He met her halfway as she leaned toward him, and the two kissed. They finished their meal, talking about the things they were going to do and the places they were going to see together. It was the happiest that either had ever been.

  * * *

  The night air was damp, cool and everything was surprisingly quiet as the two were returning to their truck. It was after eleven thirty and most of the customers had already left the restaurant. The parking lot was off the main entrance and down a long sidewalk several yards away from the flow of traffic.

  “I can’t wait to call my Mom,” D’nae excitedly exclaimed, holding her hand out to admire the ring.

  “An dinnae furget me Mum. Ah cannae wait tae tak ye hame tae met me family,” he replied stepping into her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Baby, I thank your Mum every day,” she giggled. “I wouldn’t have you without her.” Her face suddenly went slack with thought.

  She stopped and slowly turned to face him. She didn’t say anything, just shook her head and started back toward the truck. “Babe, why are ye sae sad?” he asked as he rushed up beside her.

  “It’s nothing, babe.”

  “Cum on lassie, Ah saw how ye keeked at me.”

  “I was just thinking, how could someone like you, love someone like me?”

  He reached up taking her by the arm and spun her around with more force than he meant to use, making her fall into his chest.

  “Noo, ye just be holdin on,” he said taking her by the shoulders. “Yer the most perfect thin me eyes hae eer seen, and me hert has nae stopped jumpin in me chest eer since Ah met ye. Why wud ye say such a thin?”

  She laid her face onto his chest and took a deep breath, her arms engulfing his well-built torso. She could hear his heart slowly rise as her hands gently made their way down his spine until they rested on the firm curves of his muscular backside. Her hands made their way back up and onto his upper back. She ran them under his arms, grazing her nails lightly over his shirt, her hands coming to rest on his firm chest and simply replied, “This.”

  He threw his head back and laughed so hard she jumped, and slap him on the arm. “Ye see, D’nae? Ye see why Ah luv ye? Ah were ready tae place ye on top o me truck just noo. Thank guidness we’re sae far fae the restaurant, ye got me poppin me tent agin,” he said and continued laughing.

  “You’re such a dork. I was trying to make a point.”

  “And Ah just proved ane.”

  They hugged, laughing, and stepped apart so Danny could get the keys out of his pocket. The two were so enthralled with one another that they barely noticed the three young men who came walking out of the dark alley, not ten yards from where they had parked. D`nae put her hand on Danny’s back, ushering him to hurry with the door. As soon as he had the key in the door, one of the men slammed his fist down onto the top of truck.

  “What in aw sams hell dae ye think yer dae’in!�
�� Danny yelled out.

  “Danny, let’s go. I don’t like this,” D’nae pleaded.

  “Yeah, Danny, better listen to the bitch,” replied one of the young men.

  “Yer a wee man tae say such a thin aboot a lady,” Danny responded as he opened the passenger side door.

  “Please, Danny, it’s okay. Let’s just get out of here,” D’nae pleaded once again.

  Danny took her by the arm and pushed her toward the open door. She got in without hesitation, locking it behind her. Danny looked down at her and smiled before walking around the front of the truck. The men took a few steps back, but only to get into a position where they would have him circled.

  Danny was no small man; he was six foot five, two hundred thirty pounds of pure muscle. The three that now stood around him were scrawny-looking with long dirty hair and filthy clothes. Not one stood over five ten and yet they seemed to have no fear of the big man that was stepping slowly toward the driver’s side of the truck.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” the one in the middle asked. Danny didn’t reply. He just turned to move to the side of the truck, when he was stopped by the man to his left.

  “He asked you a question.”

  “Ye want me money?” Danny sternly asked.

  The three burst out laughing, and as if they were enjoying themselves. Danny pushed past the man, making his way to the door. He didn’t even get the key in the lock before his body was yanked out of D`nae’s sight.

  “DANNY! DANNY!” she screamed. She quickly climbed over into the driver’s seat and rolled down the window. That’s when she saw the three men on top of Danny’s lifeless body. The horror of what she was witnessing was more than her mind could comprehend. It looked as if they were biting, or eating at his flesh. The one closest to her turned, opening his blood-soaked mouth and screamed a sound that was more animal than human. That was the last thing she could recall when she came to with a powerful smell under her nose and a flashlight in her eyes.

  “Can you hear me, miss?” the officer asked. She tried to sit up, but pain shot through her body from head to toe.

  “Don’t move, miss, the ambulance will be here any minute.”

  “Where’s Danny?”

  “Can you tell me your name, miss?”

  “D’nae… D’nae Creel. Where’s Danny…is he okay?”

  “Can you tell me what happened here tonight?”

  “Where the hell is Danny?” she demanded as she tried to get up.

  “You’ve lost a lot of blood, miss,” the officer said putting his hand on her chest. “I think it’s best if you stay down.”

  D`nae knocked his hand away, rolling to her side and pushed herself up into a sitting position, grabbing her head as she did. The pain inside her head throbbed with every beat of her heart. “What the hell happened to me?” she thought as she swayed in unbelievable agony throughout her entire body.

  Several vehicles began to arrive. The ambulance and two other cop cars showed up at the same time. The paramedics worked quickly, ensuring that she was stabilized before loading her up on the stretcher. It was only as they were wheeling her into the ambulance that she noticed the black van parked next to it. Written across the side in stark white letters was he word “Coroner”. She began shaking her head in disbelief, remembering what she had seen before she had blacked out, and just like that, blackness took her once again.

  Three days later, while she was still in the hospital recovering from the multitude of wounds she had sustained that night, she was given the news that Danny’s body had been sent to his home in Scotland. Up to that point, no one had even discussed what had happened, other than the few vague comments that had been made concerning her particular case. Finally, two detectives came by and explained to her that Danny’s body had cut up severely, and that it was the massive amount of blood loss that had taken his life. When she told them what she remembered, they explained to her that with the trauma she had been through, she must have imagined it. Considering the fact that she still had no idea what had caused the damage to her own body, she had no other choice but to believe what they said, regardless of what she knew she had seen.

  * * *

  Three and a half years had passed and D`nae had never recovered from the horrible events that had occurred the night of Danny’s death. She couldn’t move on, other than with the day to day activities in life that one must do to merely survive. The fact that she never got to tell him goodbye ate at her mind every night, along with a number of unanswered questions. She now worked in an office, filing papers for a legal service, which kept her behind an office door throughout the day, then safely back home to where she spent her nights locked in her upstairs apartment. Her weekends were filled with long talks on the front porch, drinking hot chocolate with her landlady, listening to the grand ole stories of the sweet old woman.

  That night while she lie in her bed holding Danny’s picture, she realized what she not only wanted, but felt she desperately needed, to do. If she was ever going to be able to get on with her life, she had to go to where Danny was buried and tell him goodbye. Everyone was always telling her she needed to take a vacation, anyway. She had plenty of time in at work and her landlady, who lived downstairs, could keep an eye on the apartment. She fell asleep holding his picture as she had every night since he passed; only this night, she slept with comfort. For the first time in a long time, she knew what tomorrow would bring.

  * * *

  The plane landed in Dumbarton, Scotland three weeks later, where she stayed her first night in a quaint little hostel before traveling by train to the Kyle of Lochalsh. She could have continued by train all the way into Kyleakin, the small community where Danny had spent his youth on the Isle of Skye, but she wanted to take the ferry, because it was one of the things that Danny had spoken of so fondly, and that’s what they had planned on doing.

  The water was just as he had said it would be, beautiful with blues and turquoise shining in the mid-morning sun. The Isle from the ferry was breathtaking. Kyleakin was a small village on the water’s edge with a flowing landscape of majestic hills behind it. Once she was in the village, she found her way to the Dun Caan Hostel, which is better known to locals as the backpackers independent Hostel. The month was March and the weather was a bit cool, but to her surprise there were no others in the hostel, even though this was supposed to be one of their busiest times of the year.

  “Welcome lassie, ye must be Miss Creel,” the woman said as she walked through the door.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m D`nae Creel, but how did you know?”

  “Yer me first this year. Names Mabel! Cud Ah offer ye sum tea an bannock?”

  “That sounds great, thank you,” D`nae replied, not sure what she had just agreed to. Mabel returned with a plate of small biscuits and a large cup of steaming hot tea.

  “Eat up luv.” When D`nae had finished, Mabel showed her to her room, afterwards inviting her to have dinner with her family.

  That night she joined the family, which included Mabel’s husband Sam and two older men, James and Harry that had been living behind the hostel for years and eating as a part of the family from day one. They were joined by one man, who didn’t fit in any better than she did, that went by the name Detective Grady O’Brian, who was down investigating several unexplained disappearances that had occurred over the past few years on the Isle.

  “Ah hope ye aw hae an empty stomach, Ah made ye a feast,” Mabel proclaimed with excitement as she carried in the last dish.

  “So, what brings you to Scotland?” Grady asked.

  “Wow, with a name like yours I thought for sure you would have had a pretty thick accent,” D`nae replied, a bit surprised.

  “I spent the first seventeen years of my life in Denver, Colorado, then back and forth from there to Coventry, London when my folks divorced,” he explained.

  “Oh, I see. Well, I’m here to try and find someone’s family that meant a great deal to me a long time ago, and I thought I
would do some backpacking while I was at it.”

  “An fit family be ye lookin fur lassie,” Sam asked as he started to slice the loaf of bread.

  “The Gilmore’s, do you know them?” Sam dropped the knife like he had just cut himself and everyone took on a dead stare, straight at her.

  “Whit ye be knowin aboot the Gilmore’s?” Sam asked with a tremble in his voice.

  “I was engaged to Danny before he was killed,” she started to explain more when Mabel cut her off.

  “Killed ye say! His poor mither got nae mair than a sorry an a empty box.”

  “Nae need tae be startin a stramash, Mabel,” Sam said taking her by the arm.

  “What do you mean?” D`nae asked, more confused than she was before.

  “I believe what she meant was that Danny’s body never made it back to Scotland,” Grady added.

  “Broke his poor mither’s hert. She past twa months efter, t’wus just awfu,” Mabel explained wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “T’wus a curse put on the Isle; Gilmore’s nae bein a name ye’ll be wantin to say ‘round here,” James interjected.

  D`nae sat there with a shocked look on her face, listening inattentively to the talk circling table when she heard her name. “Are you okay?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I just asked you if you wanted to take a walk,” Grady said.

  “Yeah, I think that would be great.”